Grief Alchemy & SWEAT LODGE


Have you experienced loss or a heaviness from your personal story compounded by worldly events? Perhaps you have lost a loved one? Do you feel the pain of the earth? Are you in the liminal states of life, saying goodbye to an old way of life, trying to find your way?

Join us for our annual Women's Grief Ceremony and Sweat Lodge, a weekend of deep connection to lighten the individual and collective weight of grief, so we can walk gracefully through the changes of life in a trustful communion with all that is seen and unseen. The last two years have been full of release, cultivating into a joyful gratitude. 

Grief is a cup that we all drink from, and it is ours to empty. Yet our culture has taught us to move past the sorrow and stuff its potent lessons, which serves as a portal of awakening and aliveness born from what seems intolerable. 

The truth is that grief cannot be mastered, nor can it be run from, for it builds in our distraction, hiding within the familial collective psyche for generations to come. Grief is an experience that demands presence, awareness and vulnerability. It ask of us to surrender into the whims of denial, anger, sadness, sorrow, shame and guilt. Within it’s many layers of burdened weight, lies a potent medicine that awakens us from the languid states of being into a gaping trust, gratitude and love for our multiplicity of oneness. 

Kari has been seasoned by her own experiences with grief and has assisted many in their process of sorrow. All, just as Kari, were holding heavy stories of personal, earthly and ancestral grief for decades/lifetimes, which became a force field of energy keeping them from their inherent power, joy and creativity. 

Voyage with us to empty y/our cup. We will share, sing, create and move into the night with ceremony, then wake up to the new day with sweat lodge. We will close with a feast and celebration of our love for the oneness we are all apart of. Please consider joining us and sharing with your sisters this important work. 



"When we heal ourself, we help heal all those who came before us, those who are among us and those who will succeed us. We are a multiplicity of Oneness."-  kari

Grief Alchemy


Our tools for alchemy will require our vulnerability to be the bearer of grief and our ability to be the witness of grief. Understanding that we are each a mirror of the other and that there is incredible power and healing in our coming together. We will sink deep into our intuition, reflection, creativity, movement and prayer within ceremony and sweat lodge. 

Our circle will be intimate so please Reserve your spot as soon as possible. Last years event sold out within weeks of posting. 

Accommodation & Investment

dates to be announced


Sacred Earth Sanctuary, Florissant, CO




We will be sleeping communally in the teepee. Please bring sleeping mat, blankets, pillow, etc.


Prepare for your workshop


We can assist you in getting from the airport to Sacred Earth Foundation.


We will be fasting from the time of arrival until the following day after the sweat lodge. If you have concerns about this due to health problems, please feel free to bring food to support you during our fast. We will have tea and water for you to drink throughout the food fast and do supportive meditations. 


Sleeping bag, Pillow, Warm Blanket, Warm Clothes, Sarong For Sweat Lodge, Head Lamp, Body Essentials


 1. Fresh Flowers 2. A beautiful large piece of paper 3. Something special that is a reminder that which you grieve for. 4. Delicious nutritious food to bring and share. 

This is a very safe, loving healing space. If you are dealing with any grief, new or old, Kari can help you process. She is a warm, empathic healer. I did this lodge last year and it was amazing! There were activities to help you move through any grief you are dealing with. Then the experience culminates into a sweat lodge! The other women in the group were amazing and the location is so beautiful!

I have also worked with Kari one on one and I highly recommend her. She is the real deal!
— Theresa L. | Denver, CO
What a beautiful and powerful weekend. I feel like I shed layers.
— Venessa L | Indianapolis, Indiana




The Grief Alchemy experience is all about the transmutation of our grief into joy and gratitude. There are levels in your grief and this program will be a powerful vehicle into a lighter rung of your healing and release of grief. Your cost includes the program and camping. To reserve, click here.


We understand that issues arise suddenly. For a full refund, we kindly ask for a three week notice of your inability to attend. If there are issues that arise within the 3 weeks leading up to the workshop, your $150 will be put towards a Shamanic Lightwork healing session.