Seeds of Satya – Spiritual Awakening | Energy Healing | Alternative Healing with Kari Rivers

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The Person You Used To Be

You remember what it was like, but those days are long ago. You are not the person you used to be. The one searching and seeking, without a clue where to begin. Trying to find your place in life. Desiring your people, your land, your mission, your gifts. Lost within a sea of noise and distraction. A feeling deep within saying "I'm not where I'm supposed to be, but I have not a clue where I should be".  A vast array of lessons fed by society's projections and rules and personal discomforts and misguidance, yet a deep knowing that there's so much more here that I'm not seeing. A moment in time where everything within was screaming, "THIS IS NOT ME!!!, but Who AM I?".

Synchronicities gently guiding, until one day there was no more denying. Spirit, life, lovingly slapped, beat and held you down until you could no longer ignore the calling to find Truth. Direct messages from an energy far greater than your singularity. An earthquake to wake up from the Dream of existence. Undeniable experiences away from the structures of materiality into greater expansions of  I AM everything, but nothing. Energy pulsing through the universe. A tiny drop of personality in a vast ocean of creativity.

From that moment and the many moments after that, you were destined to follow the blue line that would unveil the newness and truth of your being. The arrows clearly showing to follow Great Spirit wherever guided. "Surrender" you hear, no matter how uncomfortable it became. Doors opened one by one. Step by Step a movement into experience, initiations, miracles, magic and mystery.. A beautiful, sometimes hard and uneasy unraveling.  A dissolution layer by layer so Grace can pulse through you. An instrument of the one and only Father and Mother. A call to put aside ego, arise out of fear and assist in the awakening from the imbalance of our small piece in relation to the whole. A follower of the path that is lovingly set before to dispel the lies and disempowering structures within and around, despite the many who do not accept all that is becoming and will become, for the person you used to be, is not the one you are now.

Accolades and deep knee bending bows to all who are traveling the path less taken, May the queendom and kingdomship continue to collide in full force bringing Heaven to Earth in all hearts throughout the expanse of all time and space.  


Kari Rivers