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Dealing With PTSD through Hypnotherapy

For a patient who’s suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), living with the condition can be harrowing. This is especially true when you don’t have a way to process your trauma.

Unlike other mental illnesses, PTSD can never be fully cured. But its symptoms can be managed and resolved. In fact, there are several methods of treatment that have become quite common, including cognitive processing therapy, stress inoculation training, and various medications. However, these methods don’t work for everyone.

This is why more and more people are turning toward hypnotherapy to manage their PTSD symptoms.

Using Hypnotherapy for PTSD

Not every person suffering from PTSD will have the same symptoms or deal with them the same way.

The disorder is broken down into 5 categories, namely Exposure, Intrusion, Avoidance, Alteration, and Arousal. Here is how hypnotherapy can help with each state of the diagnosis:


When a person experiences an event that has a marked traumatic impact on them, it changes the way they see the world. People with PTSD continue to feel as if they’re still living through that traumatic event.

While hypnotherapy does not erase such events from your memory, it does allow you to access information that your subconscious mind might have repressed. Hypnosis allows you to examine the event and understand its existence in the past. This, in turn, allows you to let go of any negative beliefs and conclusions relating to it.


After going through a traumatic event, people with PTSD often keep recalling those memories and have nightmares, flashbacks, and reactions that disrupt their daily life. This leaves them unable to control their mind and body.

In such situations, hypnosis helps the patient take back their sense of control by using multiple methods and tools. The therapist focuses on making a mind-body connection, allowing the client to reclaim their strength.


In this stage, victims try to distance themselves from their trauma, which often results in substance abuse and addictive behaviors. Trauma becomes so embedded in the person’s mind that it becomes a part of them, always present in the back of their mind. This constant reminder makes people more desperate to get away from their trauma, continuing a toxic cycle.

Here, hypnotherapy helps by providing such patients with means of self-restoration. Hypnotherapy uses the person’s imagination and allows them to go through that event, but this time, they’re able to change the memory, so they no longer feel like they’re held hostage by it.


Traumatic events can change a person, their thinking, and their ideas. Their sense of security and trust are broken and they end up making negative conclusions about themselves and those around them. And unfortunately, in many cases, this leads to fatal results.

Hypnotherapy helps by opening up a portal into their subconscious mind. It helps clients access those pivotal moments. However, rather than traumatizing them all over again, hypnotherapy allows them to see that the incident—while terrible—caused their distorted belief system. It then allows them to seek a way to protect themselves and retrieve that part of themselves.


Arousal causes trauma to manifest in various ways, for example, through hyper-vigilance, insomnia and sleep problems, exaggerated startles, and even physical illness. Arousal also causes high-risk behavior that can cause even more problems.

Hypnotherapy gives the victim the chance to look at how their body is responding and what it wants. In addition, it shifts the power back to them. Whereas during the traumatic event, the patient was not able to respond, being under trance gives them a moment where they do what they wanted to at that time, which greatly helps patients to let go of their past.


Seeking a Therapist for Hypnotherapy?

As a trusted hypnotherapist and  spiritual healer in Denver CO, I can help you manage your PTSD through the right methods.

Contact me today and find out how my hypnotherapy services Denver CO can help you let go of your past and take hold of your future!