The Great Conjunction: A Cosmic Love Affair

Happy Winter Solstice!

I hope this finds you well and warm. If things are challenging, may you discover the wisdom being asked of you to learn and take in during these global, yet very personal lessons.

This season is one of my favorites due to all the celebrations we have created in our family and community. We just completed four days of kundalini yoga and meditation with friends and family. It was so powerful, needed and transformative for each of us, thus we decided to make it our newest Winter Solstice tradition and continue it through the year to gather together every Sunday.

The photos you see above and below are from an annual celebration called the “The Spiral Walk”, which takes place during Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year. A remembrance to shine your light in the midst of the dark as you travel the unknowns of this spiral of life, which is a grander representative of the soul’s cosmic journey that is always one with Great Spirit.

Spiral Walk 2020, 1.jpg

The Winter Solstice has always represented in world mystic traditions a new beginning. It’s the shortest time of the year. A day in which we begin to gain more light, yet the darkest of all days. It is also the first day of winter, a time of hibernation. A spiritual holiday for so many that ask us to reflect upon our past year. However, this winter solstice comes with a bigger request combined with the great conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, which is said by many astrologers to be a time in earth’s history where we officially enter the new Age of Aquarius said to last 2,160 years.

The alignment of Saturn and Jupiter only happens every 20 years, however in the last 800 years they have never been this close, creating what some call the Christmas star. Saturn brings meaning and organization to our lives. It has a constricting energy of responsibility. You can think of it as a difficulty that rebirths us, which demands a more disciplined, organized and more embodied nature. Through it’s tribulations, it teaches us how to overcome and become more patient and persevering. You can say that we have been in very Saturnian days this year with all the global experiences we are going through. Within our subtle body, the energy of Saturn exist in our root chakra. You can think of Saturn as the task maker, the teacher that pushes you to find your passion, and move you into your Jupiter energy, which resides in the sacral chakra.

Jupiter energy is all about expansion and following your passion. Jupiter brings in a time of reaping the benefits of all the difficulty from the constricting Saturnian moments. Jupiter brings an understanding and optimism due to the wisdom gained from real experience. Thus, Jupiter supports our spiritual growth and optimism. It’s energy rewards one with spiritual wealth and abundance when we live our purpose and passion.

You may already feel that this Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter is auspicious in itself, but combined with the Winter Solstice holds an even more favorable magnetism. What has come through for me in meditation over the past six months, and what I’m also seeing in Seeds of Satya clients is that we are being asked to create reverence and time to reflect upon a cosmic request. An inner command and assistance through these astrological times of conquering that which holds us back due to past experiences, and really focus upon our destiny and our soul’s legacy, rather than being blindly led by fate.

Personally, the past month has been a time of deep reflection and inquiry. A celebration of accomplishments, as well as peering into all the places within that are incongruent. Things I have wanted to change, but have found rather difficult. This has called upon a great compassion, as well as a greater discipline, with a gentler disposition. It’s been a process of asking myself and reminding myself, “How can I live my every day, so that when my last breathe comes in this body I know that I did my best, I loved to the fullest, I lived my dharma, and served my family, friends and humanity with my most heart centered space of integrity.”

These questions have led to a bigger much more cosmic question of “What is my legacy”, and believe it or not, this question is not personal, it’s collective. It’s one we should all be asking ourselves as we journey into a new age of technological advancement, where transhumanism will be front and center. An age we will be challenged in new ways where discernment and courage is essential. We will be learning about our own energy body and the incredible miracle, holiness and brilliance of our body, mind and spirit. We are entering an age where community becomes key in creating all that we know must manifest to create balance and reciprocity on earth. It is a time of honoring our individual uniqueness, not only asking “What is my legacy?”, but “What is our legacy?”. How does my personal gifts benefit the whole.

My personal daily prayer and trajectory is a destiny of growing radiance and purity. An awakened health, vitality and realization within all planes of realities. I choose to leave a legacy of truth that can only happen by going deeper into my own heart, creativity and bliss body. This is a deep commitment to nurturing myself so that I can fully live into my life’s purpose. I’m envisioning, feeling and loving into all of my truth with a laser focus, and unfolding all the constriction that has kept me from it.

Having a legacy of truth requires that we love into all the constrictions within our own body, and the circumstances we find ourselves in. We must feel it all, yet continually look toward and remember our highest truths, knowing that with every constriction comes an expansion. It is a cosmic love affair, the friction of two opposing forces. Acceptance of this cosmic law is the doorway into our ultimate ecstasy and bliss.

What will be your legacy?

May we learn to embrace and accept ourselves fully. All our beauty and mess. May we live into our authentic God(dess), our unique God given gifts and purpose, which inevitably creates a collective magnetism toward humanity’s Divine destiny: an expansion of consciousness, a great love affair with creator and creation, a legacy of truth.

Sending you and yours Luminous Blessings as we Birth ourselves and this World with all of our Love.



Kari Rivers

At Seeds of Satya you are guided into awakening your Truth and Magic through alchemical healing sessions, group workshops near Asheville North Carolina and at Sacred Earth Foundation near Denver, Colorado.

Entering the Portals of A New Year, Decade & Age
