Seeds of Satya – Spiritual Awakening | Energy Healing | Alternative Healing with Kari Rivers

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In these stretching moments of our existence we are in the midst of a huge death and destruction that inevitably will lead to a birthing of the New World our hearts know is possible, but we must remember to be patient and devoted to our path of personal growth, healing and empowerment. We are being powerfully assisted to dismantle all the conspiracies within our own soul, which are being shown to us through all these world event and global political upheavals and grabs for control and manipulation. It is all a living hologram of our souls wounds, mirroring the many beliefs that have been infused into our world (societal, political, historical, religious and familial) that disempower and extract our truth.

We have all been brainwashed by a patriarchal system, and sucked into the matrix of planned obstacles that is all profit motivated rather than “I Am my brothers keeper”.

There is a forgetfulness that mankind’s misdeeds effect one another and future generations, thus we create a loop of our own demise that disempowers, fragments and breaks us within self bondage.

It is each person's responsibility to wake up, go within ourselves to heal, restore and come into our peace.

In gratitude, it is happening on a global scale, however for most it takes a lot of suffering to break out of the world illusion that "I am separate", rather than "I AM One With All of Creation & Creator".

Please remember that as the Light Rises, the Darkness naturally arises to meet it, until it can survive no longer by the growing magnitude of Love, Forgiveness & Compassion for self and other.

Breathe Love Into It All.

So Sister-Brother, I encourage you and remind myself often, rather than get caught up in the drama of the world; learn, grow and expand with and beyond the times, so the vision is clear of who you truly are, and where we are going. I am cheering you on to parent, nourish, listen and love into all your beauty and truth. Refuse to feed the chaos, but dismantle it within you. This disassemblage is a deep soulful nurturing of yourself, and it is not always easy. It takes true courage to stand up to the old paradigms that have been forced upon us, that we came here willingly to unlearn and rewrite. For these reasons, it takes a lot of discipline, awareness and devotion to climb the ladder of learned truths. It is a true adventure to dissolve and transmute old barriers and controlling beliefs into powerful new realizations that carry us through times like these. When discovered, things are never the same again! It is in these higher spheres of growing ease we soar and see the bigger picture and purpose of the chaos. But, as I have to remind myself every morning and night, you have to set aside time for stillness, to settle into your heart for the magic to come through and seep into your bones.


Kari Rivers