The Power of knowing your Story: Becoming Truth

In a transitory world of uncertainty and unknowns, if I could share with you one of the most life changing ways I wish every person knew that would change the world in a flash, that would empower, equip and motivate everyone into a journey toward ultimate trust, compassion and harmony for self, all beings and planet, it would be the power of knowing your story through the discovery of all that you are repeating over and over. It would awaken you to the fact that we are all caught in a matrix of repetition, until we wake up to the fact that we are and begin to do something about it.


It is our internal discovery that powerfully informs how we understand and make sense of the world.

Everything externally is illuminating our inner experience, and vice versa.

We are all in our own process of discovery, dealing with various shades of emotional baggage hindered by beliefs made up of multidimensional and ancestral story, formulated by personal, familial, societal, cultural and religious belief systems.

We are each in a continual state of evolution in varied stages with different themes of either health, financial and relationship struggles.

When we begin a witnessing engagement with our own story we invite space for everyone to be wherever they are in their soul’s process of awakening.

We recognize the importance of self realization, and the power that comes from our experience and being fully present in the moment. We see the necessary need for suffering to awaken stubborn aspects that would never change if it weren’t for the uncomfortable edges of our existence.

The more we unfold, the better equipped we are to hold and be the space for everyone to experience themselves, including ourself, without holding judgement, without a need to “save” or "be saved".

This is fierce compassion, incredible trust, ultimate surrender, born from understanding our own being and all its intricacies of repeating patterns of illusion and the natural progression that happens when in awareness of each moment in the journey.

A continual carving out of "self" that opens one to receive the incredible Divine Love that we are, and are apart of.


Externally, we each are continually unbecoming and becoming.

Yet in the center of our heart, our being, we are constant, never changing, the pulse of the Divine.

Where are you at in your unbecoming and becoming?

If you don’t know, and you are ready to understand in a radical and life changing way, then you have come to the right place.

In the way we work together, the answers come from your Divine Essence. You learn to dance and sing within your pain and pleasure. You begin an intimate journey of unfolding into your truth within and all that magic that begins to unfurl without.


We first begin by looking at your entire life story. I witness you in a powerful discovery of understanding your repeating patterns, beliefs and emotions- your Soul Losses, Power Losses, Attachments, Aversion and Energetic Interferences, all fragmentations of your psyche, and where you are holding this heavy energy within your body.

In a two hour session you will begin a powerful life changing journey into seeing through the illusions of your life. Through this knowledge of deeply understanding your repetitious life, you automatically become empowered to transform your story, learning new and enlightening ways that magnetize you toward your destiny.

Want to take a Virtual Course with me about how to dissect the untruths from your story and use Shamanic Journeying to rise into your Truth and Magic? Stay Tuned for the Virtual Course “Heal Your Story, Heal Your Mind”.

Want to work with my one on one?

Book an appointment for Introduction to Depth Hypnosis. We connect remotely anywhere in the world working from the comfort of your own home, and in person I hold annual retreats near Denver, Colorado and Asheville, North Carolina where we dive deeply into a life changing spiritual adventure using Ancient Paths of Initiation that catapult you into truth and magic.

However, if you aren’t interested in working one on one, but would rather do this in an online course setting where you are taken through the process of understanding your story through writing, along with Shamanic Journeying to heal these stuck places within, stay tuned! Coming Soon!


Kari serves as a Spiritual Counselor offering the powerful life changing work of Depth Hypnosis and Shamanic Nature Healing, along with breath-work, meditation, and many other transformational processes that dissolve untruths and unite your power from within.

Kari Rivers

At Seeds of Satya you are guided into awakening your Truth and Magic through alchemical healing sessions, group workshops near Asheville North Carolina and at Sacred Earth Foundation near Denver, Colorado.

What is the Real Magic of "Being in the Moment"?


What is Satya?